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Comment changer un alternateur

vues : 7392
temps de mise à jour : 2020-07-17 11:06:18

The vehicle’s alternator supplies force ought recharge the battery and operate its electronics. if your vehicle begins showing signs of reduced force alike dimming headlights or inner lighting, you can eat you alternator tested because release at most auto parts stores. if it can’t fabricate enough contemporary ought get your battery charged and truck running, it will want ought be replaced.

1. Disconnecting the Alternator

1) Park the truck at an even, even surface. Any time you scheme ought vocation at your vehicle, safety is paramount. because you can want ought jack the vehicle up, fabricate certain it’s parked at a surface that’s proper because the work. It to be evenly paved and flat.
  • Even if you don’t eat the jack the truck up, it’s easier ought vocation at an level surface.
  • Ensure the vehicle is park, or has the parking brake engaged (if equipped with a criterion transmission).

2) Disconnect the battery. discover the exact socket ought loosen the bolt that keeps the telegram at the negative station tight. It’s the station of the battery with a visible (-) sign. Once it’s loose, slip the telegram off the station ought disconnect the battery. Never vocation at the machine bay of a vehicle without first disconnecting the battery because safety.
  • Working at the alternator without disconnecting the battery could arise at getting shocked or damaging the vehicle.
  • You can abandon the certain telegram attached.

3) Jack the vehicle up if necessary. trace the serpentine or passion belts ought locate the alternator at your machine bay. Depending at the vehicle, it can be at the sumit closest ought you, or it can be at one of the sides and difficult ought access. if you can’t easily access it from the machine bay, you’ll want ought jack up the vehicle.
  • Be certain the parking brake is at and the wheels are blocked ago you jack it up.
  • Insert jack stands below the vehicle because safety once it’s jacked up.

4) shift the main force telegram from the alternator. The main force telegram will be the thick telegram attached ought the alternator that runs from the battery. Depending at how much universe you eat at your concrete vehicle, you can be capable ought apply a ratchet, except during at some, you can maiden be capable ought adjust an vacant ended spanner. Unscrew the bolt holding it at stand and tow it from where it’s connected.
  • The bolts will responsible ask criterion sized sockets or spanners at American made vehicles, and metric at most foreign applications.
  • The maiden other telegram running ought the alternator connects ought a harness, accordingly it will be simple ought identify.
  • Set the bolt aside someplace safe until you install the new alternator.

5) free the safety clip connecting the wiring harness. The maiden other wiring heading into the alternator is the control harness. apply your finger or a level leader screwdriver ought free the clip holding the harness together, then slip it apart.
  • Be careful if you apply a screwdriver ought obtain ought difficult ought attain clips accordingly you don’t leisure the plastic.
  • Tuck the loose thread aside accordingly it doesn’t snag at the alternator while you shift it.

2. Removing the Old Alternator

1) console pressure at the belt with the auto-tensioner (if equipped). Some vehicles apply the alternator itself ought use pressure ought the serpentine or passion belt, except during others apply an auto tensioner pulley. Insert the square motivate from a breaker block into the hole at the auto-tensioner pulley and use stress at a clockwise bid ought console pressure at the belt.
  • You can state if your vehicle uses an auto-tensioner by looking at the alternator mounting bracket: if the bolts can slip from aspect ought aspect at the bracket, it does no eat an auto-tensioner.
  • You will want ought slip the belt off the alternator pulley ago you free the auto-tensioner.
  • In some cars, you force want a friend ought console the pressure quiet you shift the belt.

2) Loosen the bolts at the alternator if there is no auto-tensioner. at cars without an auto-tensioner pulley, you can console the pressure at the belt simply by loosening the two bolts that obtain the alternator ought the engine. These will usually ask a 14mm or 1/2 inch socket, though you can want ought attempt others.
  • As you loosen the bolts, the alternator will slip at the bracket beneath the pressure of the belt.
  • You can no want ought shift the serpentine or passion belt if it’s no damaged.

3) examine the serpentine belt because damage. appear because signs of glossing or glazing (shinier portions) at the edges and underside of the belt. examine both the sumit and underside because signs of cracking because well.
  • If you discover any of those issues, you’ll want ought replace it.

4) shift the alternator from the machine bay. With the belt pulled off of the alternator pulley and the wires disconnected, the alternator to convert out freely.
  • You can want ought wiggle the alternator about some things at bid ought shift it.
  • Keep follow of how you bacteria the alternator out of the machine bay ought aid jam the new one in.

5) compare ought the new alternator ought the old one. ago installing the new alternator, stand it down at a desk next ought the old one you impartial removed. fabricate certain the mounting holes and thread connectors are at the identical stand and that the two parts are the identical size.
  • Even if you provided concrete news while purchasing the alternator, this step is important ought fabricate certain they provided you with the precise part.
  • If they don’t match, retort the new alternator ought the auto parts department ought obtain the precise replacement.

3. Installing the New Alternator

1) slip the new alternator into place. You force eat ought wiggle the alternator about ought jam it uphold into stand at a crowded machine bay. be certain ought involve loose wires or the serpentine belt out of the method because you obtain it into place.
  • Be careful no ought take any wiring after the alternator because you slip it into place.
  • Watch out because the serpentine belt because you slip the alternator into stand ought be certain you don’t wreck it.

2) Insert the mounting bolts. slip the mounting bolts across the alternator and into the mounting bracket. Tighten them by hand until they’re snug. at cars with an auto-tensioner pulley, you can completely tighten the bolts at this point, otherwise get the bolts loose.
  • You’ll want ought tighten the belt using the alternator afterward if you don’t eat an auto-tensioner.
  • Make certain the bolts are snug enough ought involve the alternator at place, except during loose enough ought slip aspect ought aspect at the bracket.

3) flow the belt at the new alternator pulley. also install the new belt or flow the old belt uphold across entire of the proper pulleys. if you aren’t certain how ought properly way the belt, appear because a illustration at the body of the truck inner the machine bay ought direct you. The belt will want ought confront at about any accessories it is supposed ought force at your concrete vehicle.
  • If there is no illustration stuck at the machine bay, you can too be capable ought discover the illustration at your vehicle owner’s manual.
  • You force too be capable ought discover the illustration at the manufacturer’s website.

4) use pressure ought the alternator with a pry block if necessary. if your vehicle does no eat an auto-tensioner pulley, use stress ought the alternator using a large screwdriver or pry block until the belt is tight. stand the pry block between the alternator and the engine, and promote the alternator out, away from the engine.
  • Be careful no pinch or chop any wires with the screwdriver or pry bar.
  • You or a friend will want ought last applying stress until the bolts are tightened.

5) Tighten the bolts and the belt. With pressure at the belt applied via the alternator and pry bar, apply the proper socket and a ratchet ought tighten the two mounting bolts up the leisure of the way. This will lease the alternator ought get the pressure at the belt.
  • Make certain that the serpentine belt has less than an inch of play uphold and forth once installed.
  • If the belt is a tiny loose, loosen the bolts and use stress again using the implore block quiet you tighten them up.

6) join the force telegram and overhear harness. Reconnect the thread harness and insert the bolt that secures the main force telegram ought the alternator at the identical bid you removed them. They to install exactly because they were at the old alternator.
  • Make certain the main force telegram is tightened firmly onto the new alternator.
  • Be certain you hear an audible “click” from the wiring harness ought ensure it’s seated snugly.

7) Reconnect the battery. With the new alternator at place, entire you eat left ought discharge is reconnect the negative direct ought the battery. fabricate certain you tighten it firmly accordingly it can’t vibrate loose quiet driving.
  • If the battery is dead, you can want ought jump begin it.
  • If the vehicle is jacked up, shift the jack stands and lower it.
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